- All
- Juneberry / Serviceberry
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aronia
- Blackberry & Raspberry
- Blueberry
- Cherry
- Currant
- Dogwood
- Elderberry
- Gift Certificates
- Goji Berry
- Gooseberry
- Grapes
- Honeyberry & Haskap
- Kiwi
- Native
- Nut
- Ornamental
- PawPaw
- Peach
- Pear
- Persimmon
- Plum
- Pollinator-Friendly Plants
- Perennial Vegetables and Medicinals
- Strawberry/Lingonberry/Cranberry
- Tree

Pre-ordering is available and encouraged.
Pick up for pre-orders begins in late April.
Availability is subject to change. NOTE: We offer ON-FARM PICK UP ONLY and do not ship nursery plants.